“Frame Your Feline”


If you are like me, you think your cat is a living work of art. I can just sit and watch my cats do absolutely nothing and be happy and content. Almost like going to an art museum and appreciating the great masterpieces on display. My cats are living art that I get to admire daily. So, what if you could actually turn them into actual living art on your wall? Plus, give them some horizontal or vertical wall space to explore. Frame Your Feline has masterfully created a way to turn your cat into a stylish, living masterpiece.


Stylish Catification


As cat guardians, we all know the importance of catification. Providing our cats with the ability to get up high. A way for them to “own” their environment. Providing catification in your cat’s environment gives them mental stimulation and enrichment. There are a lot of companies that offer cat shelves for your walls, providing them with a sort of “cat superhighway”. But most of those are not very stylish or really fit in with your home decor. That was the problem that Brian and Kristina, creators of Frame Your Feline, were dealing with. They wanted to catify their home, but they also wanted to be stylish.

So, they started playing around with the idea of creating a way to turn their cats into artwork. Allowing their cats to have vertical space while still being appealing to the eye. They created their first frame box only to realize that it was too square and very small. So, it was back to the drawing board. They originally wanted to be able to use reclaimed wood, but quickly realized this concept wouldn’t provide them with the consistency and stability that they needed. Eventually, they made the decision to use the same professional quality materials used in art galleries. Because our little furry living masterpieces deserve nothing but the best.


Frame Your Feline offers you so many possibilities with their artwork panels. Each frame comes with two panels that are easy to swap out. you can also purchase separate panels. Want your cat to be in Paris? At the beach? In the desert? Or maybe turn your cat into a holiday decoration? Whatever your style or taste, Frame Your Feline has a panel to match it. The many choices allow you to switch things up according to your preference at that moment. Genius idea! Never get bored with your kitty artwork.

Giving Back

Brian and Kristina have always been a part of giving back to the rescue/non-profit community. They know the difficulties that these organizations deal with on a daily basis, as well as the plight of cats being born on the streets. Having 7 rescue cats that are now living the VIP life, Brian and Kristina now that not every cat is as lucky. Because of this, they are huge advocates of TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return) with an amazing vision of, one day, sponsoring a Fix-It Mobile, that would provide low-cost spay/neuter and vet care. Love that vision!

Being a Mission Meow Business Partner allows Frame Your Feline to be a part of something bigger. Sharing success stories of the rescues and other non-profits that have received Mission Meow grants inspires them daily. Brian and Kristina hope to inspire other businesses to be a part of a great organization that is creating meaningful change for cat centric non-profits. Frame Your Feline provides you the opportunity to turn your cat into a living masterpiece and help contribute to the greater good. A win-win.

“The smallest feline is a masterpiece.”
– Leonardo da Vinci